Two people shaking hands in front of a house, next to a sign showing the house has been sold

How to sell your Greensboro, NC home fast

We often reminisce about our childhoods, those famous simpler times. Meeting strict bedtimes were the only obligations you had; long-term plans boiled down to what present you wanted for your birthday; and if you and a friend wanted to swap toys, you would trade them with zero hassle involved. Then we grew up. Strict work schedules became the new obligations, long-term plans were serious affairs that set the framework for the rest of our lives, and selling a home was not just a simple matter of swapping it for money. When you bought that stuffed toy from your best friend, there was no need to involve an agent or sew back on that loose ear on the toy’s head. This guide will help you get back to those simpler times. Let us show you how to sell your Greensboro home fast, avoiding all that grown-up hassle.

Stand Out From the Crowd

It is enough to proclaim I’m selling and expect the offers to start rolling in. If you’re not cut for time, this could be a feasible option. If you are reading this, however, we know you aim to sell fast. You need to make sure your property attracts attention. Everybody wants a picture-perfect house. So, why not offer one. Here are a few tips:

  • Picture-perfect starts with a perfect picture- Hiring a professional photographer is a good starting point. Nowadays, a photo you take with your old phone just won’t cut it. Furthermore, virtual house tours are almost becoming a prerequisite these days. Technology has affected the real estate market, and keeping up with these changes gives you a significant edge. Looking into iBuyers, what they are, and if you should use one, could also be an excellent step to take. Give yourself every possible advantage.
  • Curb appeal- Love it or hate it, but first impressions are crucial. It’s just how our minds work. What’s the first thing a potential buyer will see? The exterior. Trimmed bushes, a fresh coat of paint, a lovely new porch; these things will get your potential buyers hooked.
  • Interior- Time to reel them in. Make sure you have tidied up the house. Declutter to show how spacious and full of potential the property is. Remove keepsakes, family photos and such, so they can envision themselves living there. Fix what needs fixing. Finally, hire a stager. Your old things go into storage; the stager brings in their decor and weaves their magic, making every room look bigger and more appealing. 
A field of yellow tulips with one red tulip growing among them
What tulip did you notice first? Think we made our point!

Price and Incentives

Along the same vein as the previous heading, the price is one way to make your property pop. At the end of the day, no amount of makeup can cover up that extra zero on the price tag. If you put up a competitive price, your chances will increase drastically. It makes sense; making a quick sale and obtaining a high selling price will never be a realistic option. Apart from the price, there are additional ways to catch the buyer’s eye. Offering to cover closing costs makes your potential buyer feel all the more comfortable. You can be creative here, offer other incentives. The important thing is that you attract offers quickly.

Time is of the Essence

This is pretty much the mantra of the whole article. If you want to sell fast, you need to devote some of your time to save time. Holding an open house is essential, and this means giving up a weekend or two. Private showings are no less critical, and here you really should be trying to accommodate the buyer’s needs. Be flexible, keep your house in a perpetual state of tidiness (yes, exhausting, but this is where you put in the time to save time), and show them why your home should be their next home.

How to Sell Your Greensboro Home Fast? Call in the Experts

By experts, we, of course, mean real estate agents and, since we aim to sell fast, we don’t mean any old agent; we mean outstanding agents. Choosing a local real estate agent knowledgeable about your target market seems like a good idea. Checking their sales record seems like a good follow-through. You need to pay attention to certain things when hiring a Greensboro real estate agent, but if you are careful, you should find the perfect fit for you! Yes, you will pay commission, but they can help streamline the process, and if you did your homework, you should have in your employ a professional who really does know what they are doing.

A real estate agent in front of a laptop and open notebook
An experienced agent will know how to sell your Greensboro home fast just by looking at all that information pertaining to your home.

Cash Offers

There is one more alternative left open to you. The above steps are all efficient, but many administrative steps, checks, and procedures slow down the whole process. There is one way to skip that. A real estate investment company can offer you an alternative way to sell your home in comparison to the traditional listings we are all familiar with. They can often buy houses for cash’ as-is,’ and the closing time is measured in days and weeks, not months. Direct sales offer a variety of benefits. You can ask for a cash offer from a quality firm like AIP House Buyers in the Greensboro area and see if this suits your needs. Back in the day, Josh’s teddy bear required no lender-ordered appraisal time to be bought, you gave Josh your chocolate bar and two shiny stickers, and the deal was done. It can be that simple again.

A person exchanging a bag of cash for a house with another person, a way to sell your Greensboro home fast.
It really can be this simple, so why take the more complicated route?

You Made the Sale, What Now?

Equipped with the above knowledge, we hope you will be able to procure that quick sale you were looking for. Chances are, you sold your home because you are moving to a different part of the state. Long-distance moves within North Carolina can be tricky if you decide to go it on your own. However, there are plenty of professional movers you can contact to help with this process. Moving can be as fast as selling your home for a cash offer, so why not hire the pros to help you? The important thing is to choose a reliable company that can turn this seemingly arduous move into a simple relocation out of town, where you will barely feel any inconvenience as all.

Short and Sweet

We have covered the basics of how to sell your Greensboro home fast. Follow these steps, and there is no reason you won’t be able to achieve your goal. AIP House Buyers can help you list your house or make you a fair CASH offer and quick closing. Its all depends on your current situation and needs. Call or Text 336-707-5223

What a closing statement, right? Short and sweet, just like the sale of your home should be.

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