Hoarder House in Summerfield, NC

Hoarder House Purchased by AIP House Buyers – – Greensboro, NC. 336-707-5223

Hoarder House Purchased by AIP House Buyers – – Greensboro, NC. 336-707-5223

Hoarder House Purchased by AIP House Buyers - - Greensboro, NC. 336-707-5223
Hoarder House we Purchased in Summerfield, NC.
This is Bret Arrington, AIP House Buyers in Greensboro or North Carolina. I want to take you through this property we just recently purchased and show you what type of properties we buy. This property’s actually in Summerfield, North Carolina, which is only a few minutes outside of Greensboro. It’s actually a really nice area, real desirable area. A lot of people like to move out here, so that was part of the reason for purchasing it. Not the condition for sure, but the location. It’s on three acres, just about 2.97 acres. And tell you a little bit about the property. It has been lived in by the same person since I think 1982. He actually was a hoarder. So this is a hoarder house. The family had inherited it, so I bought it as an inherited house that the family obtained once he passed away. And then when they came here, it was full of stuff, a hoarder house. They had to get it all cleaned out, but obviously if you look at it, it hadn’t been taken care of in years. The whole outside is a wreck, to be honest.

But again, it’s a great area. Wooded lot, three acres, but it needs everything. I’ll take you inside here and show you. I just want to give you an idea of the condition of some of the properties we buy and truly we will buy any property you have if we can agree to a fair price, which we did on this one. The family called me, asked me to come out and take a look and see if I could help them out. So we agreed to a price. They were happy, we were happy, and we closed on it last week. I’m going to take you through it and just show you the condition. This is all wood siding and it needs attention everywhere. This is the front porch, so I’ll take you inside here.

All hardwood floors, which is great, but they’re all going have to be refinished. There’s leak, so that’s been leaking at the skylight obviously for years. All that floor up there is rotten. Water leaking over here. All of that’s damaged. The floor’s got water damaged, leaking here at the fireplace, but it is a nice house. It just needs a lot of attention. About 3000 square feet. Another water leak. As you can see the deck has just fallen in, but a great light back there. Kitchen hadn’t been touched since in the eighties, so all this has to be remodeled. Torn out.

Take you here to another room. Floor’s rotten down there. Master bedroom, bath over here. It just needs everything. Complete rehab. Take you here. Another bedroom, bathroom, and a water leak. This right here is a hole where some animals were coming through, animal chewed through the siding, came through the Sheetrock, and actually animals were living in the house. They think they were living in the house while he was here. It was just a bad situation and we helped take care of it for them. We’ll go upstairs, have a couple bedrooms up here. All this floor is rotten. You see those buckets catching water, ceiling gone due to more water leaks.

But as you see, if this house is redone and done right, it’ll be a nice house. It’s in a great area and luckily the family had cleaned everything out. It was a hoarder house. There’s another water leak, and I mean, it was full of stuff he’s accumulated for 40 years. So much appreciated them because they did the actual cleanup before we ever bought it, which made it easier on us. We could see everything. A lot of times, it’s unknown. You don’t really know what’s going on. Well, I just wanted to take you through it. Kind of show you what kind of houses we buy. Any condition, any situation, AIP House Buyers, and we have proven results. Our Google reviews are five stars from others we’ve helped in the area.

You can go to our website, www.webuygreensboroareahouses.com. My name is Bret Arrington. We buy inherited houses, hoarder houses, rental houses, houses that you think can’t be repaired or you don’t want to be repaired. Any situation, we have a way of buying it and helping you out. And if we can’t, we know somebody who will. We’ve been buying houses in Greensboro area for over 10 years and very experienced and we will give you a guaranteed offer. So call us up. My name is Bret, 336-707-5223. Let us know. Thanks.

We Purchase Hoarder Houses in the Greensboro, NC Area.

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